Friday, December 17

Anti-FSLN opposition forms electoral alliance

Voice of Nicaragua - Political opponents of the government of Daniel Ortega announced today the formation of the Nicaraguan Unity Alliance for Hope (UNE), which promotes the candidacy of liberal Fabio Gadea for the 2011 presidential elections in Nicaragua

Gadea, a radial businessman, said to the press today that he will fight to win the 2011 presidential election to start the honest revolution in Nicaragua to eliminate poverty, unemployment and corruption in the judicial system.  "I want a different Nicaragua, with a reliable and effective justice system that it is not infected by the drug traffickers”, he said in apparent reference to Daniel Ortega, whom classified cables disclosed by Wikileaks have linked him to international drug trafficking.

The UNE alliance is formed, among others, by a movement leaded by the former Foreign Minister Eduardo Montealegre, and the Sandinista Renovation Movement (MRS), a group created by dissidents of the FSLN political party.  "Today we have created a group that unites and gives hope to the Nicaraguan youth, who are the majority of our population, Gadea told reporters. 

Among other offerings, Gadea promised jobs, quality education, credit and technical assistance for the agricultural farms, and a revolution of honesty, the most important of the revolutions.